General Podiatry
At the Tasmanian Foot & Ankle Clinic we treat all common skin and nail conditions. We recognise the importance of regular foot care as a preventative measure for further injury, as well as routine nail and skin care.
We treat a number of common pathologies including:​​
Thickened, difficult to cut nails
Fungal nails
Fungal skin conditions
Thickened callous/hard skin
Plantar or verrucae warts
We treat patients who have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from their GP. This Medicare allied health initiative allows people with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis who are being managed by their GP access to Medicare rebates for allied health services.
Formally known as 'Enhanced Primary Care Plans' and 'Chronic Health Conditions' a 'Chronic Disease Management Plan' (721) is a plan of action agreed between the patient and General Practitioner. It identifies personal health care needs and sets out services to be provided by your GP, along with a list of actions that need to be undertaken.
A 'Team Care Arrangements Plan (723) lets a practicing doctor refer patients to other allied health professional who will provide treatment or services.
You may be eligible for Medicare benefits for specific allied health services if your doctor prepares both of the above plans for you.
Please contact us if you require more information in regards to accessing the Medicare Chronic Disease Management Plan.